Let's Connect!

10 Minutes

  • * Additional data is $0.15/MB
  • Additional anytime usage: $0.30/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.30/text for Canada-wide texts(3), $0.40/text for U.S. & international texts(3), $0.50/message for picture and video messages(3).
  • If full monthly rate plan payment is unsuccessful, the following pay-per-use rates apply: $0.50/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.50/message for text, picture and video messages(3). 
  • One-time $10 SIM card charge applies. 
  • A provincial government 9-1-1 fee may apply where applicable: QC $0.46/mo., NS $0.43/mo., AB $0.44/mo., NB $0.53/mo., SK $0.94/mo., PE $0.70/mo., NL $0.75/mo. Effective November 4, 2019, NWT $1.70/mo. Bell remits required amount to government.

Pay-Per-Use $0.30 + Unlimited Texting

  • * Additional data is $0.15/MB
  • Additional anytime usage: $0.30/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.30/text for Canada-wide texts(3), $0.40/text for U.S. & international texts(3), $0.50/message for picture and video messages(3).
  • If full monthly rate plan payment is unsuccessful, the following pay-per-use rates apply: $0.50/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.50/message for text, picture and video messages(3). 
  • One-time $10 SIM card charge applies. 
  • A provincial government 9-1-1 fee may apply where applicable: QC $0.46/mo., NS $0.43/mo., AB $0.44/mo., NB $0.53/mo., SK $0.94/mo., PE $0.70/mo., NL $0.75/mo. Effective November 4, 2019, NWT $1.70/mo. Bell remits required amount to government.

100 Minutes + Unlimited Texting

  • * Additional data is $0.15/MB
  • Additional anytime usage: $0.30/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.30/text for Canada-wide texts(3), $0.40/text for U.S. & international texts(3), $0.50/message for picture and video messages(3).
  • If full monthly rate plan payment is unsuccessful, the following pay-per-use rates apply: $0.50/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.50/message for text, picture and video messages(3). 
  • One-time $10 SIM card charge applies. 
  • A provincial government 9-1-1 fee may apply where applicable: QC $0.46/mo., NS $0.43/mo., AB $0.44/mo., NB $0.53/mo., SK $0.94/mo., PE $0.70/mo., NL $0.75/mo. Effective November 4, 2019, NWT $1.70/mo. Bell remits required amount to government.

500 Minutes

  • * Additional data is $0.15/MB
  • Additional anytime usage: $0.30/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.30/text for Canada-wide texts(3), $0.40/text for U.S. & international texts(3), $0.50/message for picture and video messages(3).
  • If full monthly rate plan payment is unsuccessful, the following pay-per-use rates apply: $0.50/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.50/message for text, picture and video messages(3). 
  • One-time $10 SIM card charge applies. 
  • A provincial government 9-1-1 fee may apply where applicable: QC $0.46/mo., NS $0.43/mo., AB $0.44/mo., NB $0.53/mo., SK $0.94/mo., PE $0.70/mo., NL $0.75/mo. Effective November 4, 2019, NWT $1.70/mo. Bell remits required amount to government.

Unlimited Talk and Text

  • * Additional data is $0.15/MB
  • Additional anytime usage: $0.30/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.30/text for Canada-wide texts(3), $0.40/text for U.S. & international texts(3), $0.50/message for picture and video messages(3).
  • If full monthly rate plan payment is unsuccessful, the following pay-per-use rates apply: $0.50/min. for local minutes, $0.50/min. for Canada and U.S. long distance(4), $0.50/message for text, picture and video messages(3). 
  • One-time $10 SIM card charge applies. 
  • A provincial government 9-1-1 fee may apply where applicable: QC $0.46/mo., NS $0.43/mo., AB $0.44/mo., NB $0.53/mo., SK $0.94/mo., PE $0.70/mo., NL $0.75/mo. Effective November 4, 2019, NWT $1.70/mo. Bell remits required amount to government.