The moment you lose your phone is usually sheer panic. Take a deep breath: you’ve taken all the measures to protect it…right?
If you haven’t already, here are some tips on mobile security for the next time you leave it in a coffee shop or washroom stall (we’ve all done it once).
- Put a passcode on it. Yes, it locks every minute or so but this will make it harder for others to get into your phone.
- Locate it – duh! Some smartphones have the capability of being tracked by another device. If you’re able to add that capability, you may find your mobile on the beach where you left it!
- Wipe it clean – not (just) literally. If you think someone has your smartphone, sometimes you can set up a remote wipe. Remember to have a backup of personal items so you can do so confidently.
- Fight the urge. Public Wi-Fi is not secure, so be attentive to what you’re using it for. Don’t do your banking while you’re at the coffee shop!