How to set up your email in Thunderbird
Auto Setup

Open Thunderbird

You should be brought to an Account setup screen. Here you will fill in the requested information
Your full name: *your name*
Email Address: *your Bruce Telecom email address with
Password: *your Bruce Telecom email password*
Click continue once your information is entered.

Thunderbird will now set up your account using common server names. If successful you should see this screen. Click Done to complete setup.

Click finish when its complete and mail should start coming into your inbox.
Manual Setup

Open Thunderbird

You should be brought to an Account Setup screen. Fill in the requested information.
Your Full Name: *your name*
Email Address: *your Bruce Telecom email address with
Password: your Bruce Telecom email password
Click Configure Manually when your information is entered

Under Manual Configuration, fill in as follows:
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993 (143 may work as well)
Connection Security: SSL/TLS
Authentication Method: Normal password
Username: bmts email address without
Port: 587 (465 may work as well)
Connection Security: SSL/TLS
Authentication Method: Normal password
Username: bmts email address without
Click done to complete setup

Click finish when complete. Mail should start coming into our inbox now